I love this film. It gets better every time I watch it. And though I had watched it, studied it, and prepared to lead a discussion on it, tonight, as I talked about the movie with others, they offered insights that I never would have obtained on my own. It is just more evidence that the world around us should not be contemplated in isolation. We need each other for better vision.
Everything is Illuminated teaches us this. The movie is so full of symbols, meaningful glances, and purposeful choices of color, music, and camera angles, it is unlikely that anyone would be able to catch everything of significance on her own. And the characters themselves - they need each other for illumination. They need each other to understand the past; they need each other to understand the present.
I love movies like this. There is plenty on the surface to laugh and cry over, yet the depths require careful thought and, though often neglected, discussion. I don't discuss enough. My opinions, my responses to art, my interpretations of the world around me are too much the product of my own mind, even if unconsciously fed by status quo's and dominant cultural philosophies. My vision is limited. Illuminate me, please.